Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


YouLead Privacy Policy

Data privacy is a very important topic for YouLead. In the development of our communication and marketing campaigns we need to collect some of your personal data. On the other hand, by interacting with you through our websites, applications and digital services, we may also register some of your personal information so that we can personalize and send you relevant information.

This Privacy Policy aims to explain:

  • What information we collect and process and why we do it;
  • How we use this information;
  • Cookies on Websites;
  • The options we offer, including how to access, update, and remove information.

AWe reserve the right to change, modify, add or rectify this Privacy Policy at any time, without the need for any prior notice, and then we will publish these changes.

1. Why a privacy policy

The collection, processing and preservation of personal data is subject to the provisions of the personal data protection legislation applicable in this field, the 2016/679 Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation).

At YouLead we carry out best practices in terms of security and protection of personal data, promoting actions and improving systems to effectively protect all the data that the Customer makes available to us.

2. Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

In the scope of the Privacy Policy, the people responsible for processing your personal data are:

  • Netopolis, Sociedade de Representaciones, Lda., Headquartered at Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1, 8C, in Lisbon and with NIF 502 775 912, as owner of the YouLead brand;
  • Any other company of the group Netopolis or that this subcontracts, within the scope of the services that we provide.

3. What personal data do we collect?

We collect personally identifiable information, such as name, email, telephone and address information, such as country, city and area where the access is taking place, data of the professional profile, including the position, name and segment of the company where you work, number of employees of this company, academic background and time of professional experience, their marketing preferences, and others, through the completion of the forms. We may also request some additional information through direct contact, email or telephone contact.

We also store information regarding all contacts made with our support, commercial, marketing and administrative teams through the various channels available.

4. What information do we collect from the website navigation?

A "cookie" is a file that is stored on each user's computer by accessing to certain Internet pages, allowing the storage and retrieval of information about browsing habits, and depending on the information they contain and how the equipment is used, it can be used for user recognition.

When you visit our website, a cookie is placed on your browser to collect data about your preferences. It is collected information such as IP address, geographic location, reference source, type of browser, duration of the visit and pages visited, among others.

The use of cookies is a normal practice among Internet websites, and through most browsers. The user can allow, block or delete the cookies installed in their equipment by setting these options. If you block them, it is possible that certain services that need them will not be available for use.

5. What are the purposes of collecting your personal data?

The personal data that is collected is intended to improve the relevance of the communication that is sent, the management of the commercial relationship, the adaptation of the services to the needs and interests of the Client, information actions, marketing of products and services of the Netopolis group.

6. How do we guarantee the security of your personal data?

We guarantee the security of your personal data through the implementation of various security measures, technical and procedural, to protect personal data against its transfer, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized treatment or access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.

7. Where and how long do we store the data?

The length of time during which the data is stored varies according to the purpose for which the information is collected and processed. In cases where there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept for five (5) years after its collection, on a secure server and with conditioned access.

This data can be stored in third-party sales or marketing platforms, we ensure that they comply with national and European standards of data processing.

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 or below the applicable age limit.

8. What are your rights as data owners?

In accordance with the applicable legislation, the data owners may request at any time access to their personal data, as well as its rectification, elimination or limitation of its processing and the portability of its data, by registered letter, to:

  • Data Protection Supervisor
  • Netopolis
  • Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, lote 1, 8C 1600-198 Lisboa

In every email we send there is always a link to cancel your subscription, usually available on the last lines. By clicking on this link, you will be automatically removed from the mailing list. It is important to note that by submitting any other form, a new consent will be registered, and you will receive our communications. You can cancel this subscription again, at any time.

9. Can my data be transferred?

We may use third parties to provide certain services, at the level of support, marketing, sales or other services, which may have access to some of your personal data, including data necessary for contractual purposes. We ensure that these entities that have access to the data are credible and offer protection guarantees, never being transmitted any data beyond what is strictly necessary to provide the contracted service.

10. Who can I contact to clarify any doubts?

You may, at any time, send inquiries about our data privacy policy by registered mail sent to the above-mentioned address.

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