Inbound Marketing Blog - Youlead

Interactive content that boosts conversions

Written by Juliana Belo | 01/09/19 09:00

Interactivity is still a wow factor. In fact, great interactive content is perfect to delight all your audiences, from the most recent lead to your most loyal customer. Do you know how to get started?

The traditional marketing team has evolved quite a lot over the past few years, especially with the growth of Marketing Automation and Big Data, competencies related to analytics and reporting that are now essential. However, there is a skill that will never decay: and that's creativity. Even though knowledge and information are very important for a marketing campaign, the wow factor is always one of the key elements to grab the public's attention.

One of the trends that continues to grow and unfold in various formats is interactivity, which undoubtedly gives a courageous boost to your conversions. Here are 5 types of interactive content you can start using right away:


1 - Forms, polls and quizzes

Of all types of interactive content, these are the most straightforward and, besides allowing your audience to participate in the content experience, it's great for capturing data. When well-built, not only in layout and copy, but also in structure and extension (often too many questions end up discouraging responses), they can be quite successful, benefiting both your client and your business.

They are relatively easy to incorporate into almost all forms of digital communication. Just get a shareable link or use the quizz, poll and questionnaire tools built-in the social networks you use.


2 - Simulators

Essentially, simulators are quite similar to quizzes and forms because they require the user to proactively provide some information. The big difference, and perhaps what makes them more popular, is their useful and immediate result for the audience. They are great for helping your customers simulate prices or understand which product or service in your range best meets their needs, for instance.

It's an excellent value proposition to collect consumer information and may even help you to better understand your market and, thus, develop your buyer personas in more depth.

3 - Infographics

The power of visual information is undeniable, from images to gifs, graphics, infographics and video. Interactive infographics can be charts whose values vary depending on the user's click, a map whose highlighted path varies depending on the selected points of interest...

Fast infographic responsiveness can encourage the user to experiment with the various options to enjoy the visual effect. This not only counts toward the user's individual experience,  but also to please Google's algorithm, since it will increase the time on the page and, consequently, improve your SEO.


4 - Video

Recent trends show an increased popularity in interactive videos, despite their production complexity. One of the most popular interactive videos is Netflix's Bandersnatch show, however, this is not a format that should be restricted to the film industry. With some creative thinking and technical knowledge, you can include this tactic in your Marketing. Enjoy it while the trend is hot and truly amaze your prospects and customers.


5 - Emails

Email Marketing platforms come with a vast array of features and it would be a shame if we didn't make the most out of them. Interactive emails often come with hyperlinks that direct you to product pages, forms, or other conversion points (maybe one of your new interactive conversion points?).

The hyperlink, to make the email effectively interactive, may be anchored to gifs, animations or slides, it all depends on the platform you have and its features.

Have fun with making your marketing more interactive!